*** ----> ASRY’s Fabrication manager retires | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

ASRY’s Fabrication manager retires

ASRY bid farewell to their Fabrication Manager, Jocok Manuel Coutinho, after 40 dedicated years of service in a ceremony attended by management and staff. 

Coutinho joined ASRY in 1976 as Work Expeditor at the Steel & Boilers Department.

In 1984, and in recognition of his distinguished performance, he was promoted to onboard supervisor and later to onboard section head. In 2000, he was promoted to the position of Head of the Steel and Boiler Department, and later to Fabrication Manager in 2012.

Speakers at the ceremony included managers, senior officials and Chairman of ASRY’s Trade Union, who worked with Coutinho for years.