*** ----> Bahrainis satisfied with career prospects | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrainis satisfied with career prospects

ManamaNearly half of Bahrain’s residents are satisfied with the career growth opportunities in the Kingdom, a survey suggested.

The findings of the Middle East and North Africa Consumer Confidence Index survey conducted by Middle East’s leading job site Bayt.com and global market research firm YouGov revealed that about 44 per cent of Bahraini residents are content with the career prospects available in the country. 

According to the survey results, 70pc of the respondents are either satisfied or neutral about the career opportunities and only 30pc of the respondents complained about lack of career opportunities.

Meanwhile, only 36pc of the respondents were happy with the monetary compensation received while 40pc said they were dissatisfied. In terms of job security, 41pc said they were satisfied with the job security, while 35pc were dissatisfied and 24pc remained neutral.

Overall in the Middle East, 42pc claimed that they are satisfied with the career growth opportunities. The GCC region fared better than the Levant with one in every two Levant residents dissatisfied with the career prospects.

“If employable adults are optimistic about job prospects and opportunities, job security, have healthy salary expectations and are hopeful about their career growth and development, it will be reflected in their attitude towards work and spending behaviours as well as the economy as a whole,” researchers noted in the survey report.

“While the region as a whole has seen a relative dip in consumer confidence, future expectations among respondents remain positive and bright.

“There are currently more than 10,000 jobs posted on our website on any given day,” said Bayt.com vice-president (Employer Solutions) Suhail Masri, “Job-seeker registration is growing at over 12,000 new professionals a day and continues to reflect a healthy appetite for jobs across the industrial and career spectrum.” 

Meanwhile, YouGov Research Manager Elissavet Vraka said, “Gauging consumer opinion is a powerful tool for revealing the current attitudes and sentiments about the business and economic conditions in a specific country. Despite the positive outlook on the future, the rising cost of living is negatively impacting residents’ ability to save.”

A total of 3,905 respondents from Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the UAE, Oman, Qatar, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Algeria, Jordan, Tunisia and Morocco participated in the Middle East and North Africa Consumer Confidence Index survey. The data was collected via online from January 27 to February 10, 2016.