Gulf International Bank offers low volatility equities
Manama: Gulf International Bank (GIB) announced yesterday that it is now able to offer low volatility and protected strategies on global and regional equities.
GIB, through its London based subsidiary GIB UK can now offer a range of solutions that are able to deliver portfolios that aim to experience lower volatility than the market, can have an element of downside protection and can have that downside protection automatically move up when markets rise, GIB said in a statement.
Jeff Woolsey, Senior Equity Portfolio Manager at GIB UK commented: “Currently we run around US$10 billion in equity strategies, but we have recognised that not all clients want to be fully exposed to swings in the market. This suite of solutions allows us to offer clients an alternative to straight equity exposure in a low cost, efficient manner.”
These new products are offered to institutional investors with US$20m or above to invest and can be structured on a range of underlying equity indices from Global to Regional and even on selected local markets.
Mark Watts, CFA, Chief Executive Officer of GIB UK added: “This range is an important addition to our suite of solutions for our clients and is a clear example of how we are able to respond to changing market conditions and offer investors solutions that are relevant to their day to day challenges.”
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