*** ----> Man jailed for hiding fugitives | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Man jailed for hiding fugitives

Manama: The High Criminal Court has slapped a Bahraini man with five years behind the bars for providing fugitives with safe haven. The defendant reportedly sheltered three convicted fugitives.

The 29-year-old man told prosecutors that he hid the trio by the request of his cousin, who is living in Iran.

“He asked me to help them. I told him I would arrange a room for them in my father’s house in Duraz,” the defendant told the prosecutors.

“They stayed for one month and then I requested them to leave as we were planning to carry out some construction work. They returned after three months when the work concluded,” he added.

It is worth noting that the fugitive, who was sentenced to death, was among the convicted men in Al Daih bombing case, where three police officers were killed.

He was handed down the capital sentence with another two in connection with this case.