*** ----> Arab Parliament’s support to Bahrain’s security hailed | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Arab Parliament’s support to Bahrain’s security hailed

Manama: Deputy Prime Minister Shaikh Khalid bin Abdulla Al Khalifa hailed the Arab Parliament’s supportive stances towards maintaining Bahrain’s security, stability and its Arab identity.

He was speaking as he received Arab Parliament Speaker Ahmed Al Jarwan and Arab League Assistant Secretary-General Ambassador Dr Mohammed Al Tuwaijri on the sidelines of their participation in Bahrain International Conference on Environmental Protection.

The Deputy Premier pointed out the role of Arab Parliament in expressing the views of Arab people and the Arab League responsibility for unifying the Arab discourse, defending the region’s stability.

He called on government and private sides, as well as Arab Parliament and Arab League, to join in concerted efforts to protect the environment, which is everyone’s responsibility. He also called for enacting appropriate laws and legislations, at the local and Arab levels, on the preservation of the environment and the sustainability of its resource.

Al Jarwan underlined the Arab Parliament’s firm stances towards Bahrain as an integral part of the Arab region. He lauded the organisational level of the conference and the ideas and visions raised, including the need to establish a court specialised in environment issues.