*** ----> We strive to achieve peace: HM King | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

We strive to achieve peace: HM King

Manama: Heralding Bahrain as a beacon that embraces all religions in one country, His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa underlined Bahrain’s initiatives and conferences as part of efforts to build bridges among religions.

Speaking in a meeting with the Grand Mufti of Russia, Russian Muftis Shura Council Chairman and President of the Religious Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation Shaikh Rawi Ainuddin at Al-Safriya Palace here yesterday, HM the King stressed Bahrain’s millennia-old vocation as a crossroad for world civilizations.

HM King Hamad commended the people of Bahrain for their long-standing spirit of tolerance and amity, embracing all religions out of firm belief in the importance of reaching out to all in a closely-knit society based on fraternity. “We, in Bahrain, strive to achieve peace and promote all that is good for humanity.”

“Bahrain embraces various religions and doctrines, bound together by national unity, which is the guarantor of the nation,” HM the King remarked.

Commenting on relations with Russia, HM King Hamad, hailed the positive results of his recent visit to Russia and fruitful meeting with President Putin.  HM the King commended landmark Russian strides, led by President Putin, stressing keenness on strengthening bilateral relations and joint cooperation in all fields.

HM King Hamad congratulated the Grand Mufti on opening the new mosque in Russia, which is considered as the biggest of its kind
in Europe. The dedicated efforts of the Grand Mufti to promote the values of co-existence, dialogue and moderation were also praised during the meeting.

The strong cooperation between the Supreme Islamic Affairs Council (SIAC) and the Russian Muftis Shura Council and Religious Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation was also discussed.

Ainuddin expressed his delight at the cooperation with Bahrain in all fields, hailing the atmosphere of tolerance, co-existence and amity between all religions. He also presented to HM the King with a collection of books published by the Russian Muftis Shura Council and President of the Religious Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation.