*** ----> RBH hosts expert surgeon | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

RBH hosts expert surgeon

ManamaRBH Medical Centre in Riffa, is hosting its visiting surgeon, Dr. Neetha Ravi, Specialist-General Surgery, coming from Royal Bahrain Hospital, to serve its patients in Riffa. 

She will be available at RBH Medical Center’s General Surgery Department, every Monday and Thursday from 5 pm to 9 pm. She is a qualified general surgeon with rich experience in various medical specialties including managing and diagnosing Hemorrhoids, neck swelling, breast lump, abdominal pain, vomiting and constipation. 

Additionally, Dr. Neetha is an expert in handling serious medical issues such as swelling in the abdomen, significant weight loss, in addition to applying different techniques on weight reduction surgeries as well as managing any metabolic syndrome.

At RBH Medical Center, Dr. Neetha is available to offer comprehensive checkups, prevention and management to issues related to hemorrhoids in women.

Dr. Neetha said, “Hemorrhoids can be heeled by following simple steps such as lifestyle modifications, but in some serious cases medications or surgical procedures are needed.”