*** Arab War Risk Insurance Syndicate visits CBB Governor | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Arab War Risk Insurance Syndicate visits CBB Governor

ManamaAn official delegation comprising of the Technical Committee and executive management of the Bahrain-based Arab War Risks Insurance Syndicate (AWRIS) met Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB) officials last week. 

CBB Governor Rasheed Al Maraj received the syndicate delegation, which included Technical Committee Chairman Ashraf Bseisu, Technical Committee Deputy Chairman Mohamed Mazhar Hamadeh, and other panel members Bassam Chilmeran, Bassam Hussein, Ebrahim Al Rayes, Fateh Bekdache, Imad Abdel Khaleq, Mokhtar Mohamed Al Daerah, Sherif ElGhamrawi, and the newly appointed CEO Nabil Kotran.

The visit coincided with the Syndicate’s Technical Committee meeting held in Bahrain, where Bseisu shared the latest developments related to the Syndicate. He also reviewed the latest developments in the Pan Arab insurance industry.

Al Maraj welcomed the members of the Technical Committee of AWRIS and expressed his appreciation for the services that are offered by the Syndicate to the insurance market in the Arab region, since its establishment in 1994 in Bahrain.  He further indicated that he is pleased with the financial results of the Syndicate, stressing the support of the Kingdom of Bahrain to offer all the necessary facilities for the Syndicate to carry out its operations at ease and to further enhance its activities in the region.

The Syndicate delegation expressed their gratitude and appreciation to the Governor’s interest in developing the insurance industry and his continuous efforts to advance the banking and the financial sector as a whole. They also praised the continuous backing and support provided by the CBB and other government agencies to the Syndicate.