*** ----> 2014, a highly successful year for Anti-narcotics Directorate | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

2014, a highly successful year for Anti-narcotics Directorate

DT News Network



As Bahrain marks the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on June 26, Anti-narcotics Directorate head Colonel Mubarak bin Huwail Al Murri spoke to Al Amn monthly magazine brought out by the Police Media Directorate and highlighted some of his directorate’s achievements in the last year that have won international and regional recognition and acclaim. The year has been fruitful for the officers and men of Bahrain’s Anti-narcotics Directorate, with a number of high-profile cases having been solved.

Colonel Al Murri said that one of the major achievements was the detection and arrest of one of the masterminds of a cross-border smuggling operation, which also led to the seizure of 24 million Captagon tablets valued at BD200 million.

The seizure, the largest ever in the Gulf, was carried out after Bahraini sleuths, in co-operation with some regional authorities, tracked and monitored the shipment through several countries until it reached Bahrain. He said that clever planning and meticulous execution had led to the gang members’ arrest at King Fahad Causeway in co-operation with the Saudi authorities.

“The arrest of the suspects, who were also allegedly involved in many cases of heroin-smuggling, led to several other arrests and the cracking of many other cases.”

He said it was the largest shipment ever in the Gulf. “It was monitored after a tip-off from the country of origin and was followed through several other nations before it arrived in Bahrain, en route to Saudi Arabia.”

He said that in other cases, the directorate seized large quantities of heroin, which was to be transferred to neighbouring countries. “After years of experience, we now have clear information on the sources of production and smuggling zones. We are now also aware that heroin is smuggled in capsules that the traffickers swallow.” He said they were now not only after the carriers and traffickers but wanted to apprehend the masterminds as well.

“The traffickers are mostly poor people who do it for some money and have no idea who the real mastermind is.” He said that is why, in many case, the traffickers were allowed to enter the country and were monitored for 24 hours until the masterminds are arrested with large quantities of illicit material.

“As a result of hard work and training, our officers have been able to discover the latest trafficking methods, especially the smuggling of shabu (a prescription drug, or Methamphetamine). This is smuggled by unconventional methods, such as an ashtray that is made of the substance. We succeeded in discovering many such cases in the last year.”

He said that in the last few months, a top shabu dealer was arrested as he left his village. “The arrest took place after he was followed and an intermediary was taken in,” he said. “We convinced this man to cooperate with us and he led us to the main mastermind. A trap was set up for him and he was caught passing on the shabu to a buyer along with a large amount of cash. Later, his home was also searched and more shabu was found there.”

Many cases of marijuana trafficking were also detected during the year, he said. “The product is in high demand among Bahrain’s Asian community since its price is relatively low.” He said that recently, officers were tipped off about a new trafficking route through an Asian country. “Following the trail and information, four cases were discovered at the Bahrain International Airport. Those arrested cooperated with the department and later more suspects were detained inside and outside the airport.”

Colonel Al Murri said that to develop a drug-free society, the directorate has been focusing on awareness campaigns at schools, universities, clubs and youth centres, including lectures and seminars. He thanked the Education Minister for providing all facilities for such campaigns and in opening up schools for such activities. He said this was a major factor for the success of last year’s campaigns.