*** ----> Horner hopes for speedy qualifying resolution | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Horner hopes for speedy qualifying resolution

ManamaRed Bull team principal Christian Horner says a new qualifying solution has to be found when various parties sit down to discuss the current format today morning in Bahrain.

With the switch to a new ‘elimination’ format for 2016 drawing widespread criticism, Horner hopes a unanimously-agreed solution can be reached in Sakhir.

“There is a meeting scheduled for tomorrow with the FIA and the commercial rights holder and we have to find a solution,” he told Formula1.com

“There was a meeting called by the FIA in Melbourne. I thought we had a solution following that - but then when the vote came out it was something completely different to what was discussed. As there wasn’t a unanimous agreement, we fell back to the Melbourne qualifying here.

“I hope that tomorrow we can come to a unanimous decision on what the qualifying should be for the rest of the year.”

Asked what his priorities would be in terms of changing the format, Horner added: “I think when we struggle to understand, how on earth do we expect the casual viewer fan to understand?

“We want to attract new fans so it needs to be simple and easy to follow. My rule is: make it basic, and do the basic well.” 

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