*** ----> MoE keeping an eye on foreign degrees | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

MoE keeping an eye on foreign degrees

DT News Network



The Ministry of Education (MoE) is seriously monitoring foreign degrees to avoid the menace of fake degrees, said Secretary General of the Higher Education Council, Dr. Riyad H Hamzah.

Speaking to DT News, on the sidelines of a summit, he said that the National Committee for Evaluation of Foreign Degrees had been monitoring the foreign degrees on a regular basis. “They are working very well in filtering these degrees,” he said.

Last March, DT News had exposed the modus operandi of fake universities, which operate from foreign soil and lure the Bahraini students, offering degrees based on work experience of the candidate for a cheaper fee. These fake universities are still active on social media like Facebook, luring the candidates with highly attractive offers.

Dr. Riyad H Hamzah said, the committee had been meeting regularly and decisions were being taken against any fake degrees found in the Kingdom.

Meanwhile, he said that the ministry would not mind students going abroad as long as they choose credible universities, adding that students who study abroad will create diversity in the country.

“We won’t have problems as long as the students choose his/her university carefully,” he said.

A US based university titled, Rochville University had also offered an MBA degree for a canine named, Chester!

Even the doctorate degrees, which require huge efforts, are given by these universities within one-and-a-half month of enrolment of the student.

Dubai’s leading English daily, Gulf News recently exposed the name of many people who made it to the top post, with fake degrees, bought from degree mills.