*** Bahrain's Internet penetration highest in GCC | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain's Internet penetration highest in GCC

ManamaBahrain has an internet penetration of 74.15 per cent, higher than any other country in the Middle East, according to recent study.  

However, the study carried out by Orient Planet Research for the The Arab Knowledge Economy Report showed the Kingdom’s internet penetration lowered from the time it was last measured, when it was 96.4 pc.  

According to the report, the number of internet users in the region will rise to 226 million by 2018. “The Arab World is in the midst of change following a number of social and political upheavals,” said Orient Planet research consultant Abdul Kader al-Kamli.

“In the face of these dynamic reforms, many countries within the region continue to make great strides in their efforts to shift to a knowledge-based economy, marking a noticeable improvement in knowledge society indicators,” he added.

“We are optimistic that the data being presented in this edition of the Arab Knowledge Economy Report will serve as a point of reference for public and private organizations in the region as they develop their strategy for the coming years,” al-Kamli said.