*** Malaysian entrepreneurs look for investment opportunities in Bahrain | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Malaysian entrepreneurs look for investment opportunities in Bahrain

ManamaWith the recent visit of Malaysia’s latest sensation in the business field, Datuk Dr. Maznah Hamid, the business relations between Bahrain and Malaysia are set to reach new heights. According to Malaysian Ambassador Ahmad Shahizan Abd Samad, many Malaysian companies play a key role in infrastructure development in the Kingdom and more investments are expected to materialise very soon.

Datuk Maznah, a very successful entrepreneur who heads 6,000 people-strong Securiforce Group in Malaysia, had fruitful talks with officials here to set up a Bahrain-Malaysia Business and Friendship Society. 

She is expected to visit again shortly leading a team of investors and entrepreneurs from Malaysia after the launch of the new society. The visit is tentatively expected by the second half of May.

Ambassador Abd Samad, who will be retiring soon after having spent the last five years in Bahrain, has high hopes for fast-paced changes in the relationships between the two countries. “Trade between us is very little. We have to increase it manifold,” he opined. With this aim in mind, he plans to bring Datuk Maznah as a catalyst for attracting more investments here.

During her visit two weeks ago, Datuk Maznah was able to trigger a wave of interest among the entrepreneurs in the Kingdom through her presentation and interactions with them. 

She is also a celebrated entrepreneurship coach and philanthropist in Malaysia, and also actively manages multiple companies and social organisations. She is also a politician and is a prominent leader of UMNO, the largest political party in Malaysia. 

Datuk Maznah is also the advisor to the State, where the Present King of Malaysia belongs to- Malaysia follows a rotational policy and King is appointed every five years from head of the States. “Her rise to fame as the only woman heading the security business in the whole world inspires her followers,” he added.