*** ----> Bahrain jails robber for six month | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain jails robber for six month

ManamaThe High Criminal Court has sentenced a man to six months behind bars for selling ‘robbed items’. 

The defendant is said to have approached a shop specialised in selling fishing tools, and offered the salesman to sell some items. 

The latter, after accepting the offer, requested the CPR of the defendant, but he fled the spot after pretending to go to his car. 

The defendant’s crime came to light after a Bahraini man reported to police that his fishing tools were stolen from his house garage. 

The salesman, luckily, captured the registration of the defendant’s vehicle while he was fleeing. 

He shared it with the victim who visited several fishing tools shops to check if the thief had sold his items to any of them.

“I expected that he would sell my tools at some shop, therefore I went to nearby ones to check if my items were there,” the victim said.