*** ----> Crown Prince calls cadets ‘defenders of our nations’ | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Crown Prince calls cadets ‘defenders of our nations’

ManamaHailing the commissioning officers at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst as, “defenders of our nations and our values”, Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa said, deep capacity for humanity is a defining characteristic of officers trained at the academy. 

The Crown Prince made the statement as he represented Queen Elizabeth II at the 152nd Sovereign’s Parade, at the academy. 

“Many of our officers in the Bahrain Defence Force were trained at Sandhurst, including my father, His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa.  We are proud of this long tradition.  It underlines the very strong bonds established between us two hundred years ago. These long-lasting ties across security, economy and society are continually strengthened, through an active partnership between our two nations,” Prince Salman said.

The Crown Prince stated that the officers are stepping forward on a path of significant importance. 

“You will make difficult judgments, often with incomplete information.  Those judgments will have profound effects on those around you: those you lead; those who are fighting you; and the many civilians who are at risk in modern conflicts.  You will remember that you are dealing with human beings, and with human lives,” Prince Salman reminded. 

However the Crown Prince urged them to strike hard when they need to, and to treat the vulnerable with consideration and dignity. 

“By way of example, the ruptures within the modern-day order of the Middle East have created a multitude of uncertain consequences.  The breakdown of many of the region’s state paradigms has served to enhance and magnify the power of warped ideologies.  These conflicts and the ideologies they ultimately empower, have led to the largest migration crisis in modern times, threatening not only the values, but the very social fabric of Europe,” the Crown Prince said. 

Prince Salman said the global battle ahead is a clash of pluralism and respect for individual identity, versus those who pursue fascist ideologies.

The Crown Prince motivated the officers saying, “That training has begun here, but will continue throughout your careers.  You will learn from the situations you face.  You will learn from the peace you preserve and defend.  And also from the peace you will sometimes have to fight to win.”

“The steadfast application of your leadership code; to principles of courage, discipline, respect for others, integrity, loyalty and selfless commitment – will be vital.  Not only in winning the immediate military battles you will face, but also contributing to the successful conclusion of the ideological war in which we are all engaged,” the Crown Prince added. 

Prince Salman wished them good fortune and highly rewarding careers.

“With officers of your calibre operating at the frontline, I believe strongly that our chances of securing greater peace in the world can only be enhanced,” the Crown Prince concluded.