*** ----> How safe are e-shishas? | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

How safe are e-shishas?

ManamaElectronic Shisha, commonly known as e-shisha, has already become an alternative for smokers in the Kingdom. 

People seem to be enjoying it as it gives them a feeling of the traditional shisha, sans the nasty smoke. 

Manufactures also claim these e-shishas pose fewer risks compared to the traditional ones.  But how safe are they in reality?

An e-shisha heats up e-liquid into vapour, which can be inhaled.  

Most of the studies show that they may be reasonably effective in helping smokers to quit, but on the other hand, the attractive smell from the device, pulls youngsters and non-smokers to the habit at a very young age. 

Even though the label shows “no nicotine”, they may contain other toxic substances and added flavours. 

Dr. Krishnakumar Raman Iyer, a Specialist in Aster Medical Centre, feels smoking in all forms is one of the strongest risk factor for cardiopulmonary diseases. 

“There have been many researches that indicate that water pipe, smokeless tobacco and electronic cigarettes are simply not good for health. As a matter of comparison, I would like to say that the habit of smoking is like a fire in a hay barn,” Dr. Iyer said. 

He added that one could refrain from smoking if he/she has enough will power. “Everyone has been assuming that smoking is an addiction, but the fact is that they find it hard to give up cigarettes because smoking is their habit, not addiction,” he added.  

Despite the fact that several tobacco products are emerging in the market as smoke-free, the number of smokers increase day by day. These products may look or sound less harmful, but they still contain harmful toxins, which are bad for health.