*** ----> BDF gets parliamentary support against terrorism | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

BDF gets parliamentary support against terrorism

Manama: Council of Representatives Speaker Ahmed bin Ibrahim Al-Mulla has stressed full parliamentary support for the Bahrain Defence Force General Command's determination to stand against terrorist groups who have repeatedly attacked security personnel and policemen in the line of duty. 

The Speaker hailed BDF efforts, led by Commander-in-chief Field Marshal Shaikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, in maintaining security and stability, protecting the royal reform project and the comprehensive development process, as well as defending the national achievements made under the leadership of HM King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa. 

He called on everyone to endorse the state's actions and plans against terrorists who execute externally supported criminal schemes. 

He commended the national efforts made by the Interior Ministry and security agencies in countering terrorism, protecting innocent citizens and residents and their interests, as well as moving forward with the royal reform project and the democratic process.

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