*** ----> Bahrain to have third gasoline type | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain to have third gasoline type

Manama : The Cabinet session has endorsed a recommendation submitted by the Executive Committee, chaired by Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, to develop a new gasoline type.

The session was chaired by Prime Minister HRH Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa at Gudaibiya Palace yesterday.

The 98-octane gasoline, known as ‘Super’, will be a third option for customers, alongside the 91-octane Jayyid gasoline and the 95-octane Mumtaz gasoline.

The price of Super will be determined based on periodical changes in global oil prices as well as operational and transportation costs. It will be determined by a committee comprising of representatives of the Energy Ministry and Bahrain Petroleum Company (Bapco). 

The current prices of the Jayyid (125 Fils) and Mumtaz (160 Fils) will remain unchanged.

OIC summit

The Cabinet has lauded the keynote speech delivered by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa at the 13th Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), hailing HM the King’s call for immediate action to remove the causes of terrorism and to step up cooperation to uproot it and dry up its sources. 

The session welcomed the outcomes of the 13th OIC Summit to which HM the King had deputised HRH Prince Salman.

The Cabinet hailed the summit’s communiqué that included a unified and cohesive Islamic stance against terrorism and the parties supporting it. In this regard, Deputy Prime Minister Shaikh Mohammed bin Mubarak Al Khalifa informed the session about the main topics discussed during the summit and the resolutions taken.


Karbabad attack condemned

The session strongly condemned the atrocious terror act that targeted a Bahraini police patrol with Molotov cocktails in Karbabad on Saturday, killing a policeman and injuring two others.

The Cabinet described the terror attack as a heinous crime that contravenes all national, moral and human values, Secretary-General of the Cabinet Dr. Yasser bin Essa Al Naser said in a statement following the session.

Extending deepest condolences to the family of fallen policeman Mohammed Tanweer and wishing speedy recovery to the wounded, the session affirmed that the “hand of justice” will reach terrorists to mete out the punishment they deserve. It also recalled with appreciation and pride the enormous sacrifices the fallen security personnel had made while defending the homeland and its citizens.

Major decisions

The Cabinet approved a draft law on amending the Penal Code to allow judges to issue alternative procedures and penalties, determined by Article VI of the Law on Juveniles, instead of prison sentences, in case the suspect is a minor.

The session also endorsed a draft law to amend some provisions of the Law on Juveniles in order to add the procedures and penalties for minor criminals that spans between six months and three years. These include national education programmes that prepare juvenile criminals and rehabilitate them to re-join society and be good citizens.

The session referred to the Council of Representatives a draft law on adding “Clause 8” to Article 6 of Decree-Law 17/1976 on Juveniles, and another on amending Article 73 of the Penal Code promulgated by Decree-Law 15/1976.

In another issue, the
Cabinet approved Bahrain’s access to the initiative launched by the World bank to end routine gas flaring at oil production sites around the world and ensure “Zero Routine Flaring by 2030”. The memorandum presented by the Energy Minister affirmed that the Kingdom had stopped routine gas flaring at oil production sites out of its commitment to contributing to the efforts of the international community to reduce greenhouse emissions, which were confirmed by the resolutions of the Paris Summit on Climate Change.

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