*** ----> Saudi support Bahrain in fighting terrorism | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Saudi support Bahrain in fighting terrorism

Manama : Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Bahrain, Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulmalik Al Shaikh, reiterated the resolute stances of Saudi Arabia led by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud in supporting the Kingdom of Bahrain and hitting with an iron fist against anyone who attempts to undermine Bahrain’s security and stability. 

He also expressed condolence to His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa over the police officer’s death in the heinous Molotov attack in Karbabad village on Saturday. One police officer, Mohammed Tanweer, was killed and two others were wounded in the attack. 

 “The attack is an attempt destabilise the Kingdom of Bahrain’s security. It is aimed at spreading chaos, and such an act is incriminated according to the teachings of Islam,” he commented. 

The ambassador lauded all the security measures undertaken by the government to preserve national security. 


US condemns terror attack

The United States has condemned in the strongest terms the gasoline bomb attack in Karbabad. “We extend our deepest condolences to the family of the slain officer and the people of Bahrain,” the US Embassy to Bahrain said in a statement issued yesterday. 

“We urge all segments of the Bahraini society to condemn such violence and to do everything possible to prevent it,” it added.

Meanwhile, The Jaffariya Endowments Directorate (JED) issued a statement in which it condemned the heinous terrorist Molotov firebomb attack, which targeted on-duty police patrol on Saturday.

“The horrendous criminal act is denounced by all the sons of Bahrain as it is alien to the harmonious, amicable and tolerant Bahraini community. It violates all heavenly religious teachings and all laws and conventions,” said the statement. 

The directorate also expressed its condolences to His Majesty the King, to the Minister of Interior and to the bereaved family and relatives of the victim.


Caption : The slain officer

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