*** Bahrain cancels CR of 1300 companies | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain cancels CR of 1300 companies

Manama : Over 1,300 inactive Commercial Registration (CRs) have been revoked by a Ministerial order recently.

This came as per decision 62 of the year 2016 of Industry, Commerce and Tourism Minister Zayed bin Rashid Al Zayani.

The decision instructed to cancel the CRs of 1,375 establishments that remained inactive for over a year. As published in the latest edition of the official gazette, these include restaurants, manpower agencies, insurance companies, car rental offices, cold stores, auto services shops, bakeries etc.

The table published in the gazette showed that some of the companies have got more than 15 branches that were operating across the country at a point of time.

The Minister’s decision was taken on April 18 and came in effect last Thursday.