*** Gender equality protests rise during Kubha Mela | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Gender equality protests rise during Kubha Mela

New Delhi : Trikal Bhawanta, founder of the Pari Akhara, wanted to take the waters at the world's largest religious festival.

India has 13 widely recognised "akhara" groups, all led by men, many of whom dispute her group's legitimacy.

Equality at Hindu religious sites is an increasingly contentious issue.

In Tuesday's protest, Ms Bhwanta sat in a deep grave dug by her group's female "sadhus", or holy women, while followers threw petals and dirt onto her, until police and local officials ended the protest.

Ms Bhwanta formed her akhara - a group of wandering sadhus who renounce normal life and are respected for their holiness - in 2000. It is thought to be the first such all-female group.