*** The British School of Bahrain celebrated Eco Week | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

The British School of Bahrain celebrated Eco Week

The British School of Bahrain’s Eco Week celebrations culminated on Earth Day with a Clean-up of Nurana Beach, north-west of the island last Friday, April 22nd.

A keen group of students, staff and parents collected over 200 garbage bags full of beach litter.



Organiser of the event, Koutlakis thanked Bahrain Beachcombers for their support, commenting that “More needs to be done to educate local fisherman, and visitors using beaches around Bahrain.  At least 90% of what we cleaned up was discarded motor oil containers, netting and fishing line, which may have come from fishermen discarding rubbish over the sides of their boats during their day’s work. People can be educated to think carefully about the disposal of their rubbish. Bahrain is a beautiful island; we should all do our part to keep it that way, for everyone today, and for future visitors to enjoy.”

Overall, it was a successful day and a worthwhile way to spend the morning.  The reward was a sparkling clean beach, ready for a glorious day of water sports and picnicking.