*** DT News veteran bids farewell | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

DT News veteran bids farewell

Manama : The longest-serving staff in the DT News M.K Alex will be bidding farewell to the Kingdom after 28 years of life as an expatriate, after his retirement from DT News as Admin Manager on April 30.  Mr  Alex succeeded in stream-lining the whole administrative set-up for the day-to-day smooth functioning of  DT News as Admin Manager. 

“It was indeed a pleasant experience for me to work under the guidance of  the young and dynamic Chairman Mr. Unnikrishnan and the seasoned Editor Mr. Soman Baby,”  said Mr. Alex. “ Mr. Unnikrishnan’s high self esteem and his ever-cheerful attitude to look at the positive aspects of any given situation are inspirational  traits worth emulating  in one’s life”, he added. “During my entire tenure, more emphasis was laid on the accountability of staff  in carrying out their responsibilities in pursuit of excellence”, he stated . Mr. Alex joined DT News right from its inception in 1997 when it was Bahrain Tribune. Before joining DT News, he was working as the Vice Principal of the Indian School Bahrain (ISB) from 1988 to 1997. He joined the ISB in 1988 when it was governed by the Indian Embassy.

Referring to his teaching career in the Kingdom he says: ‘‘As an educationist, I feel ISB should adopt more ways and means to improve the academics and discipline among the students so as to help them embrace a bright and secure future. Purpose-oriented regular monitoring  of classroom teaching is very much needed and incentives for teachers who bring good result, should be introduced.’’

Mr. Alex hails from the Kollam district of the Indian state of Kerala and is a member of the Bahrain Marthoma Church. His  wife Ms. Emily Alex had worked as Maths teacher in Indian school till 1997 and thereafter in Sacred Heart School till 2007. 

“My wife and I were felicitated recently  by old students whom we taught 35 years ago in Hingoli, Maharashtra. I was the Principal there and my wife, a  Maths & Science teacher. During the 3-day event, they recalled the sense of discipline instilled in them, excellent standard of studies and incredible SS.C result achieved, resulting in a covetable and high placement in their career. That was certainly a memorable experience,” Mr. Alex reminisced. 

Commenting on his life in Bahrain Mr. Alex said:   ‘‘Bahrain, the island of pearls and  smiles has been our home country for the last 28 years. We owe so much to this peaceful and friendly country for all that we were blessed with.’’

He continued, “This country fulfilled our dreams and our only son  Robin Alex got the best school education from the Indian School and the best Sunday school education  from Bahrain Marthoma Church – all that paved way for him to do his higher studies in the US and settle down there. He is working as a Senior Marketing Research Manager in Minnesotta and his wife Liz, an electrical engineer and  two daughters, Reanna and Hannah living with him.’’ 

“No doubt, Bahrain is  a great place to live in with its quality of life and stress-free atmosphere.  May the Almighty bless the benevolent rulers and its down-to-earth people with peace and prosperity,’’ he added. 

Mr Alex along with his wife Emily will leave the Kingdom by June-end, to spend 2 months  with his son & family and thereafter return to Kerala to lead his retired life.