*** ----> Bahrain court eases jail term for molestation case | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain court eases jail term for molestation case

Manama: The Supreme Appeals Court reduced the jail term of a cafeteria employee convicted of molestation to one year after he appealed his initial five-year prison sentence. The defendant was caught abusing a 10-year-old boy in his workplace by his father.

The Asian defendant was allegedly caressing the 10-year-old boy’s private parts when the father was passing-by.

“I was going back to home when I saw him (the restaurant worker) touching my son’s private parts,” the father said in his statement.

But the defendant denied abusing the child, stating that he was just playing with him. “I was trying to have fun with him (the child), and I touched his pant,” the defendant said.

Meanwhile, the victim stated that he had been subjected to acts of sexual assault for one month by the defendant, but he didn’t divulge it out of fears for his safety.

The Asian man was accused on grounds of sexually abusing a minor.