*** ----> Asian man jailed in Bahrain for stealing laptop | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Asian man jailed in Bahrain for stealing laptop

Manama : An Asian man, who tried to steal a laptop from Gudaibiya Palace, has had his jail term reduced from one year to six months. The accused will be immediately deported after completing prison term. 

The defendant was assigned to fix sound system in one of the palace’s halls ahead. But after completing the set-up, a laptop was reported to have been missing from the hall, prompting the police to launch investigations. 

The laptop was eventually found at the parking lot of the palace, left under a vehicle. The police officers discovered that it was the defendant who attempted to steal it.

“The idea of stealing the laptop struck my mind the moment I saw it. I brought with me an empty laptop bag and put the device inside it,” the defendant told prosecutors. 

“Before we exited the palace, I learned that the police have discovered that the laptop was missing. So I hid it under a vehicle,” he added.