*** ----> Companies who defy Bahrainisation to pay more visa fees | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Companies who defy Bahrainisation to pay more visa fees

Manama : Companies that are not in compliance with Bahrainisation will now have an alternative solution in which they can pay an additional amount to recruit expatriates or renew the visas of existing expat employees.

Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) Chief Executive Officer Ausamah Al Absi noted that the companies that have not complied would have to pay BD300 for each renewal or recruitment.

The system of ‘Parallel Bahrainisation’ was implemented yesterday following the directives of Prime Minister HRH Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa. While the system may help investors and businesses, the primary motive behind it is to promote Bahrainisation, said 

“The most important goal is our commitment to providing jobs for Bahrainis. With the new system taking into effect today, it offers an option to employers to either employ Bahrainis or bear higher costs. The higher costs helps in alleviating any immediate pressure the businesses might have. But it also puts an economic pressure on them, compelling them to hire Bahrainis,” he told media representatives at a press conference at LMRA premises in Sanabis yesterday.

“Next year this system will affect renewals as well. So work permits that are up for renewal next year will not be renewed unless Bahrainisation is adhered to or until they pay the higher amount for the renewal.” he said.

“The LMRA law says that the authority must revoke any work permits if it loses one or more bases of its issuance. One of the basis of issuance is Bahrainisation,” he said, adding, “Bahrainisaion is not only the base for issuing work permits and renewing them, but also for keeping them during their validity. This is something that we take very seriously.”

“This system gives investors and businesses more flexibility. This doesn’t mean that we have given up or that we do not believe in the fundamentals and vision of Bahrainisation. Companies that cannot find Bahrainis should pay a higher fee and look harder for Bahrainis. Generally, this is a parallel system, while the original system does not change. It is an alternative that we believe will act as a catalyst for more Bahrainisation,” he added.