*** Bahrain court jails man for car theft | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain court jails man for car theft

Manama: The Lower Criminal Court has sentenced a man to two years in prison after holding him guilty of robbery. The defendant is accused of stealing  a car along with the belongings inside it.

The case was reported to police officers by the car owner, who complained that the vehicle was vanished while it was parked near his house.

The car was recovered after spotting it in Juffair, and detectives identified the culprit after lifting fingerprints from the car. The defendant was described as a man obsessed with thefts, as he was involved with many robbery cases.

Ironically, the defendant robbed a BlackBerry and a Samsung mobile phone from the vehicle, and he later exchanged them with a single sniff of heroin. He told police officers that he abandoned the car after its engine failed to ignite.