*** ----> Two men arrested in Bahrain for robbery | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Two men arrested in Bahrain for robbery

Manama: The closing arguments in the trial of two Sudani appellants convicted of robbing BD10,000 from a vehicle will be submitted on May 18. The duo reportedly tracked down the owner of the vehicle after observing him inside a local bank taking the money.

They are said to have deflated his car’s tyre to divert his attention, before stealing the money. The victim reported the incident to police officers and shared his suspicion on a man (the first defendant) who talked with him inside the bank before leaving.

“The money was allotted to pay our staff salaries. A man talked with me inside the bank, and he looked very suspicious. I left the bank and placed the money under the driver’s seat. Suddenly I was told by pedestrians that one of the tyres was flat. I called my friend to come and pick me, and I stood in front of the car for 10 minutes,” the victim told prosecutors.

“But later I found that the car window was broken and the money disappeared,” he added.

The police reviewed the footage recorded by the CCTV cameras installed on the public roads, and spotted a vehicle tracking the victim. Later, they nabbed the two Sudani men, who denied having links with the robbery. The duo was earlier sentenced to two years behind the bars each.