*** ----> Tamkeen to spend BD50 million on projects this year | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Tamkeen to spend BD50 million on projects this year


Tamkeen is likely to spend around BD 50 million on its projects this year. Budget for projects in 2016 first quarter includes BD 2.4 million for training and employment, BD 4 million for business support and 4.6 million for unemployment insurance.

Tamkeen’s spending on projects in 2015 included BD 13.6 million for training and employment and BD 19.8 million for business support while the unemployment insurance was BD 17.8 million. About 8,814 Bahraini citizens and 3,609 businesses were supported during 2015.

It was revealed by Tamkeen Chairman Sheikh Mohammed bin Isa Al Khalifa and CEO Dr Ebrahim Mohammed Janahi at a round-table discussion with media representatives on May 5. Since its establishment, Tamkeen has invested around BD 60 million with training institutes.

More than 100,000 Bahrainis benefited from Tamkeen’s various human capital development programmes. Around 8,000 Bahrainis have found jobs through various training and human capital development programmes.

Since the launch of Training and Wage Subsidy Support programme in 2007, it has served more 17,000 individuals and 1,326 enterprises. In 2015, the programme saw a large increase in number of customers. It was developed to improve employee retention rate through direct wage subsidy and skills improvement by bridging the gap between the current specialization requirements and future necessities.

Professional Certification Support Scheme

Since its launch, the programme has served more than 10,000 individuals, with a total budget spending of over BD 10 million. In 2015, 3,675 Bahrainis took advantage of programme services. As part of Tamkeen’s efforts to provide customized services, 74 new certificates were introduced in 2015, and 24 others were amended to better match the requirements of the market and customers.

Customised Employment Scheme

Since its inception in 2008, the scheme has contributed to employing 8,000 Bahrainis in various sectors. Tamkeen provides customised training to citizens to serve private enterprises to created value added product services

Enterprise Support Programme

In 2015, the programme supported 1,022 enterprises. Seventy-two per cent of benefiting enterprises requested support for their operational processes. More than 10,800 enterprises have benefited from the programme since its inception.

Finance Scheme

In 2015, the programme financed more than 884 enterprises. The total financing in 2015 reached BD 77 million. From the beginning of 2016 until end of April 2016, 283 enterprises benefited from the programme. In total, more than 6,250 enterprises have benefited from the programme since its launch. More than BD 340 million have been allocated under the programme, while the portfolio value amounted to BD 412 million.

“Over the next years, Tamkeen will continue to invest in training programmes for Bahraini individuals and private sector enterprises,” Tamkeen stated.


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