*** ----> Bahraini man jailed for charity box robbery | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahraini man jailed for charity box robbery

Manama : A Bahraini man implicated in stealing BD200 from a charity box has been jailed for six years. The box was in a mosque in Hamad Town, and the defendant reportedly broke the door of the property at dawn and stole the money from the box. 

The case was reported to police by the mosque’s muezzin, who told the police that he saw the door of the mosque was broken. 

“I went to the mosque at 3am before prayer as I was assigned to call people for prayer,” the muezzin said in his statement. 

Detectives initially struggled to identify the culprit as the mosque was swarmed with fingerprints of different people. However, an empty water bottle was eventually found at the scene, and it solved the case. DNA traces were found to be matching the defendants’, and his criminal history played a key role in suspecting him in this case. 

“I entered the mosque with the water bottle because the weather was very hot. So I wanted to drink it to cool myself. But I forgot it inside the mosque,” the defendant who is in his thirties told prosecutors. 

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