*** ----> USD329m bilateral trade between Bahrain, Turkey | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

USD329m bilateral trade between Bahrain, Turkey

Manama : The Bahraini side of the Bahraini-Turkish Joint Business Council of the Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) headed by Executive Committee Member Ahmed Bin Hindi hosted representatives from the Investment Support & Promotion Agency of Turkey (ISPAT) in Riyadh in Bait Al Tijjar yesterday.

The meeting was in the presence of the Turkish Ambassador to Bahrain Hatun Demrir and members of the Bahraini business community.

The event centred on enlightening the Bahraini business community of the business environment in Turkey and the numerous facilities offered to foreign investors.  

During the event, Senior Advisor of ISPAT Dr. Mustafa Goksu delivered a presentation highlighting the strides taken to transform the Turkish economy, including the economic vision 2023 adopted by the government.

Dr. Goksu shed light on the 4 pillars of success for the Turkish economy, namely the investment environment, the strategic location, the strong domestic market, and the successful economic policies.  

He also underlined the economic standing of Turkey making it an attractive investment destination including being the 17th strongest economy in the world, the 6th best tourist destination in the world, the 9th in producing steel and the 16th in manufacturing motors among other key indicators.  

He also commended the Bahraini-Turkish ties at all levels, while citing the bilateral trade between both friendly countries, which amounted to USD329 m in 2015.

From his side, Bin Hindi thanked the ISPAT for collaborating with the Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry and delivering a very informative presentation to the Bahraini business community.  

He lauded the ISPAT on its role in invigorating trade and investment, and praised Turkey on the peerless development it has achieved particularly at the economic level.

Concluding the event, Hatun Demrir reviewed the deep-rooted Bahraini-Turkish relations and expressed keenness on fostering business ties between both friendly countries.

She thanked BCCI for hosting this event and taking strides to bolster joint businesses.