*** Spanish seafarer displays Bahrain flag, logo on vessel | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Spanish seafarer displays Bahrain flag, logo on vessel

Manama : In his Solo Caribbean Sea tour, the Spanish seafarer and Academic Member of the Royal Sea Academy of Spain, Alvaro De Marichalar placed the flag and logo of the Kingdom of Bahrain on his vessel during his navigation in America.

“I am navigating with the Kingdom of Bahrain’s logo to promote the beautiful island in America and link Bahrain and the rest of the Arab World to the 5th Centennial of the European Discovery of Florida by Spanish Explorer Juan Ponce de León and the European Discovery of the Pacific Ocean by Spanish Adventurer Vasco Núñez de Balboa back in 1513,” said Alvaro De Marichalar in a letter to the President of the Collectivite De Saint - Barthelemy.

Alvaro, who arrived two days ago in the Dutch Island of Saint Maarten, and gave a lecture titled “Our Solo Caribbean Sea : Florida and Pacific Ocean Discovery Expedition,” said the flag of Bahrain was placed with all honour on his tiny vessel next to the flags of Saint Martin; Spain and European Union.

Alvaro is travelling from Puerto Rico, touring all the Caribbean Sea and touching 28 nations to commemorate the 5th Centennial of Barthélemy Columbus’s death, among other commemorations.

He is commemorating both Centennials by following both seafarers’ watermarks. “Linking the three different Centennials in Saint-Barthélemy is a big honour for me,” he remarked.