*** Bahrain SIU clarifies on alleged torture of woman prisoner | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain SIU clarifies on alleged torture of woman prisoner

Manama : Special Investigation Unit (SIU)  member Abdulrahman Al Ma’awda said the unit had followed up on information posted recently on social media concerning the alleged torture of Rihanna Al Mousawi during her detention while she was serving a sentence for joining a terror group and possessing explosives.

The SIU pointed out that it had launched an immediate probe and questioned the complainant in three probe sessions in 2013. Meanwhile, the unit received a notification from the Ombudsman on the complaint lodged by the convict.

In this regard, the unit said probe is still underway and the following procedures were taken:

- The complainant and another witness were questioned about the incident. She allegedly reported being the victim of ill treatment by police men and policewomen and disclosed the names of two of them.

- The complainant was examined by a doctor and a medical report was issued, denying any injuries or traces showing she was subject to any violence or resistance.

- The complainant was examined by a psychologist and a report showed that she does not suffer from psychological trauma and currently does not need psychological therapy.

- The two defendants whose names were disclosed by the complainant were questioned and they denied the accusation levelled against them.

The SIU explained that the period of investigation into alleged torture and maltreatment varies according to the circumstances surrounding the incident and the clarity of the evidences as stipulated by Istanbul Protocol.

The SIU finalised procedures on the basis of information attributed to the complainant as follows:

- The complainant was summoned and asked, in the presence of her lawyer, in light of posts circulated on social media websites.

- The complainant’s husband was summoned and asked about the information he had.

- The complainant was referred to the doctor to be examined, in light of the information he provided during the last investigation session.

The SIU affirms the importance of using all means to exchange information relating to acts of torture and all forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment and punishment, adding that such a procedure is essential as they contribute to revealing facts and confronting violations.

Al Ma’awda stressed the need to avoid exaggeration for the sake of mere propaganda and sensationalism, urging the verification of the victim’s statements that may contravene other evidence cited in the case documents.

“Such a contradiction may have a negative impact on evidence and cause prejudice,” he said, adding the evidence gathered through investigation and cited in the case documents is essential to prove the alleged violation and hold the perpetrator accountable through flawless evidence.

Al Ma’awda affirmed that the probe panel guarantees protection for anyone who takes the initiative of his own volition and submits serious and credible evidence involving similar cases or others.

He announced that results of the inquiry into the case will be announced on completing the investigation.

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