*** Drugs available in coffee bags! | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Drugs available in coffee bags!

A person was caught selling drugs in coffee bags


 A Gulf citizen was arrested selling drugs in coffee bags, it has emerged. According to court files the accused packed hashish in coffee bags to avoid suspicions. He was nabbed selling a Bahraini man the illicit drugs.

 The police initially captured a native who possessed shabu and was looking to sell them. An undercover agent contacted him following a tip off and lured him into selling the drugs to him.

 Anti-narcotic squads arrested him upon the completion of the transaction. A metal scale and BD4160, raised from selling drugs, were seized from him in the same event.

 He, in turn, told prosecutors he was getting drugs from the Gulf national, expressing his willingness in helping police to arrest him.

 A sting operation was carried out along with the native. Officers in plain clothes requested hashish for BD3500 from the Gulf national, who brought it in coffee bags. 

 Ten coffee bags containing drugs were confiscated from him during the same operation.

 An Asian national, who was reportedly in charge of delivering the money raised through drugs to the Gulf national, was also nabbed.

 The trio is standing trial before the High Criminal Court, which ordered for them to be kept in police custody for 15 days, pending investigations.