*** ----> Broken tooth can trigger oral cancer , warns report | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Broken tooth can trigger oral cancer , warns report

Manama : Broken tooth can trigger a cancerous change in the tongue and cheeks over time, according to a medical expert.

Royal Bahrain Hospital (RBH) Medical Center Specialist Endodontist Dr. Harilal PV explained how chipped tooth can lead to ulcers and a cancerous growth. 

Sharp edges of the broken tooth are known to cause tear and irritation to the tongue, he said in an interview with DT News at RBH premises in Riffa yesterday.

“If one has broken tooth, its sharp edges will frequently rub against the tongue. In the long term, when the tongue keeps rubbing against the tooth, a non-healing ulcer could develop. As a result, the body produces abnormal cells to cope with the situation and leads to the formation of cancer. The cancer could spread from the tongue and reach the cheek and even the floor of the mouth,” he said.

“I have seen these types of cases personally. But these cases are more frequent among the poor as they are more likely to neglect dental care,” added Dr. Harilal.

He said that good oral hygiene can help prevent this type of cancer. 

“It is important that every six months, you should visit a dentist. During the visit, the doctor would conduct a routine examination as well as carry out a dental plaque identification procedure and removal,” he said, adding, “If plaque is not removed at least once in six months, bacteria will thrive and cause harm. This could lead to bad breath, gum infections and other complications.”

He said that consuming potato chips, chocolates and carbonated drinks should be kept to a minimum. 

“The fact that chips stick to the teeth makes it worse than chocolate. The chocolate does not stick to the teeth unlike chips. Both are harmful to teeth, but chips, in my opinion, are worse,” he said.

Replace extracted tooth

He said that extracted tooth must always be replaced in order to avoid gum infections. 

“When a tooth is extracted, it must be replaced. When a tooth is pulled, it leaves a space and the gum in this space becomes vulnerable. Food will get to the gum and stay there and the person may not notice it. Soon bacteria may accumulate and it may lead to gum infection. The symptoms of gum infection start with redness of the gums and later the gums will start bleeding when the patient brushes their teeth,” he said. 

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