*** ----> Asian killed in worksite accident at Hidd | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Asian killed in worksite accident at Hidd

Manama : An Asian worker was killed in a worksite accident that occurred in Hidd Industrial Area yesterday.

Arabian Ship Repairs Yard (ASRY) confirmed in a press statement that the accident took place aboard a vessel yesterday. The deceased was a Bangladeshi national.

The deceased, who was an employee of one of ASRY’s sub-contractors, descended into a tank of a vessel that is in a dry-dock at the yard after which he collapsed.

“He was subsequently removed from the tank and given CPR while transported to ASRY Medical Center and later to King Hamad Hospital, where he was pronounced dead,” the company said in the statement. 

Moreover, the company said, “A detailed investigation by the appropriate authorities, ASRY and the involved sub-contractors, is in progress,”

Explaining further, the statement read, “It has been established that the cause of the tragic accident was that after carrying out his assigned task of opening a tank’s manhole cover, the deceased made an unauthorised entry into the tank, which had not yet been gas-freed and not been certified as safe to enter. Once inside the tank there was insufficient oxygen and the deceased sadly asphyxiated. “

“Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of the deceased,” ASRY Chief Executive, Nils Kristian Berge said, adding, “We will do everything we can to make sure that these kind of accidents are prevented in the future. The safety and well-being of every person working in ASRY is our first priority.”

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