*** Bahrain court upholds jail term for teen bike thief | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain court upholds jail term for teen bike thief

Manama: The High Criminal Appeals Court has upheld the jail term issued against a teenage defendant accused in connection with robbing a delivery bike.

The defendant was held guilty of stealing a motorcycle belonging to Pizza Hut in Bilad Al Qadeem and was handed down three years. The Bahraini convict was said to have used a stolen phone to make a fake delivery order from Pizza Hut.

He then hid in a place with another unidentified man surveying the area in a bid to pounce on the delivery man when he arrives. They reportedly stole the bike at knife-point as the delivery man abandoned it in fears over his life. 

Though the teenager reportedly removed register plates of the vehicle, he was caught after he met with a road accident. The police found that the bike was stolen, and the defendant confessed to robbing it.