*** Ex-Bahrain resident murdered in India | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Ex-Bahrain resident murdered in India

Manama : former expatriate was found murdered at her residence in India, is remembered fondly by her former colleagues in Bahrain. 

 Kiran Singh, 60, who worked as a cabin crew in Gulf Air back in the 1980s, was found dead on Wednesday by 7.30am at her Bengaluru residence. 

"We used to fly together," said Hameed Karimi, who worked as a senior cabin crew with the airlines from 1983 till 1988.

"She was always fun to fly with and she was so nice to the co workers and especially to the passengers.

"She always approached the passengers with a smile and she was dedicated to her job.

"We all will miss her and our thoughts are with her family.

"May she rest in peace."

The divorcee who hails from New Delhi, has been living in Bengaluru for five years. 

She was found in her kitchen by her domestic help, with her hands and legs bound. 

Police who are investigating the case are yet to get any leads in the case as the motive for the crime has not been established.

While it is suspected to be a murder for gain, investigations so far have revealed that there has been no theft of her belongings. A possible land-grab angle is being looked into. Police are also looking into her WhatsApp messages and her other social media accounts in search of clues.


Ms Singh with colleagues in a flight

With friends and colleagues in Bahrain

At work


Ms Singh (right)


Ms Singh (left)