*** Ten Bahrainis jailed for setting police vehicle on fire | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Ten Bahrainis jailed for setting police vehicle on fire

Manama : The Supreme Appeals Court has rejected the appeals of 10 appellants implicated in setting a police patrol on fire. 

The defendants were among 13 Bahraini men, who were tried in connection with this case. 

The High Criminal Court had initially handed 12 of them 10 years behind bars, while the remaining accused received only three years in prison as he was under 18. 

The seventh defendant also was handed down extra three years imprisonment for possessing a handgun. 

The defendants are said to have participating in riots broke out on August 10 and September 4 two years ago in Manama. During the sabotage, a police vehicle was burned after the culprits attacked it with firebombs. 

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