*** ----> Bahrain court rejects stateless man's appeal | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain court rejects stateless man's appeal

Manama : stateless man will be soon deported as the High Criminal Appeals Court declined his appeal against the illegal stay case filed against him by the authorities. 

Taimoor Karimi was among the list of 31 people whose Bahraini citizenship was revoked in 2012 for damaging the State security, according to a statement issued at that time by the Ministry of Interior.  

He was ordered to be deported by the Lower Criminal Court after losing his nationality, and he was also fined BD 100 by the same court for living in Bahrain without permission. 

However, he appealed the court ruling. It’s worth to note that the Interior Ministry said in 2012 that citizenship of 31 Bahrainis had been revoked – under Clause (C) of Article (10) of the Citizenship Law. The clause permits the revocation of nationality when a holder of Bahraini citizenship undermines State security.