*** Prisoners related to terror crimes were higher in JRRC | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Prisoners related to terror crimes were higher in JRRC

ManamaPrisoners and Detainers Rights Commission (PDRC) yesterday revealed that  2,468 prisoners in the Jau Rehabilitation and Reformation Centre (JRRC) on November 15, 2015. 1,024 were held for crimes related to terrorism and rioting. Interestingly, the actual capacity of the JRRC is only 2,145. Figures also showed that there were 1,944 Bahraini prisoners, and 524 non-Bahrainis.

Regarding the number of prisoners according to their offences, the report indicates that on the same date, there were 48 inmates, who committed murders, 663 committed drug crimes, 224 committed thefts, 1,024 committed crimes related to terrorism and rioting, and 512 committed other offences (related to traffic violation, illegal residence, financial embezzlement and sexual assault).

The report is based on PDRC’s visit to the JRRC held from November 15 to 22, 2015. PDRC said that it had gained major practical experience in inspecting places of custody.

“This experience assisted the Commission in forming a detailed inspection plan for the visit to the JRRC,” PDRC said, adding that the report published in September 2013 by the Ombudsman’s Office inspection of JRRC was also taken into account during the visit.

The PDRC team also took into account several issues raised in the reports by some NGOs on allegations related to treatment and conditions of detention.

The Commission added that its team had met prisoners, who were randomly selected from various buildings, wings and cells without any interference from JRRC staff.