*** Bahrain business delegation arrives in Dublin | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain business delegation arrives in Dublin

ManamaA Bahrain business delegation, led by the Economic Development Board (EDB), is attending the Shared Services & Outsourcing Week in Dublin this week in order to highlight Bahrain’s core strengths as an ICT and BPO hub in the fast-growing Gulf region to the global community.

SSO week is one of premier events of the industry’s annual calendar. This year the theme of the conference is “Driving Strategic Value through Automation, Process Excellence and Data” and the forum will look at how Global Business Services firms and shared service entities can transform themselves from simply transactional operational bases to value-adding centres.

Khalid Al Rumaihi, the Chief Executive of the EDB, said: “The Bahrain delegation’s attendance at the SSO Week offers us a high-profile opportunity to demonstrate to potential investors the opportunities on offer in the GCC region, where the IT sector is expected to grow by over 10 per cent per annum over the next five years.

“Bahrain’s mature regulatory environment and skilled, highly motivated workforce are just two of the significant attractions for employers, who will find strong demand for products and services from Bahrain’s young, technologically adept and affluent population. With its high standards of education and a talented, bilingual local population, Bahrain is ideally placed to support the growth of the BPO industry in the region, acting as the gateway to neighbouring Gulf markets.”

The growing importance of the GCC market, currently valued at approximately $1.5 trillion, means that businesses are increasingly focused on building back and mid-office support in the region in order to provide the best service to their customers.