*** ----> SCW keen to expand ties with BWU | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

SCW keen to expand ties with BWU

ManamaThe Supreme Council for Woman (SCW) and Bahrain Women Union (BWU) held a joint committee meeting, chaired by SCW Secretary-General Hala Al Ansari, in order to focus on the priorities of the next phase of their joint work.

Al Ansari emphasised the Council’s keenness to expand an effective partnership with BWU, which aims to empower Bahraini women and build their capabilities. She stressed on providing support to BWU in dealing with the key issues of the women in the Kingdom as well as address any gaps or shortcomings.

The Secretary General expressed the keenness of SCW in activating the work of the Joint Committee with the BWU, through their participation in various women’s national events like the Bahrain Women’s Day.

The meeting reviewed a number of important and relevant issues that are priority on the agenda of the next stage of work related to legislation and resolutions such as family laws of the second section, nationality law, right of women to marry foreigners and grant citizenship to their children, in addition to implementing penalties under Article 353 of Penal Code.

In addition to having services provided through the office of Bahrain Young Ladies Association, the meeting also discussed cooperation between the Youth Committee of SCW and Youth Committee of BWU to support the rights of Bahraini women.

The BWU’s role in monitoring the general implementation for enabling electoral programme and the union’s role in following the national strategy of protecting women from domestic violence was showcased during the meeting. They also showcased proposals on the activities for the Bahraini Women’s Day.

It is noteworthy that this meeting comes within the frame of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between SCW and BWU, which aims to achieve the principles of partnership through cooperation and coordination between the two sides in the fields of advancement of Bahraini women and engaging them in the development process. 

The memorandum also aims to defend Bahraini women rights and spread legal awareness as well as seek to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women. The cooperation between the two sides is represented in participating in preparing and organising workshops, seminars, training sessions and local conferences related to women affairs in order to exchange information, data, studies and research related to the issues of women.

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