*** ----> Need to solve Arab-Israel conflict peacefully stressed | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Need to solve Arab-Israel conflict peacefully stressed

CairoMinister of Foreign Affairs Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, who chaired the Arab League meeting at the ministerial level in Cairo, stressed the need to solve the Arab-Israel conflict peacefully.

Shaikh Khalid was  speaking during an extraordinary meeting of Arab Foreign Ministers yesterday. 

The meeting was held in the presence of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Chairman of the Presidential Council of Libya and Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj.

Arab peace initiative can end Arab-Israeli conflict 

The Foreign Minister noted that the Palestinian cause is going through a very difficult stage. “We will never lose hope in achieving just and comprehensive peace in order to restore the rights of Palestinian people and ensure the region’s security and stability,” he said.

The minister pointed out that this will be achieved when everyone carries out their responsibilities and abide by the international law, adding that the implementation of the Arab peace initiative provides a historic opportunity to end the Arab-Israeli conflict.

 He also stressed the need to ensure the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital and provide security for Israel to live in peace with the Arab and Muslim nations.

Shaikh Khalid commended the French initiative aiming to resolve the Palestinian issue, praising the efforts of the French Republic and its genuine efforts to develop a just solution to the issue. He stressed that the initiative encourages the need to look forward to the peace process with optimism in finding a lasting solution to end the suffering of the Palestinian people and hoped that the initiative will be implemented and receive the necessary support by all parties.

Cessation of hostilities in Yemen welcomed

The Foreign Minister welcomed the cessation of hostilities in Yemen, calling on everyone to take advantage of this opportunity and to reach a comprehensive political settlement in accordance with the Security Council resolution No. 2216 (2015), the Gulf initiative, and the outcomes of the comprehensive national dialogue.

Shaikh Khalid, who affirmed that there is no going backwards at this critical moment in Yemen’s history, also commended the efforts of UN envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed in order to achieve the aspirations of the Yemeni people.

The Minister also expressed Bahrain’s support for Yemen until security is achieved under the legitimate government led by President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi.

Unified stand on Libya urged

The Foreign Minister stressed the need of a unified stand to preserve Libya’s unity and stability by providing full support to its political process under the leadership of Chairman of the Presidential Council of Libya and Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj. 

He also called on the Presidential Council to coordinate with all the legitimate Libyan political parties to build the nation and provide necessary support to the government by enabling it to lead the country through this difficult stage.

Secretary General of the Arab League Dr. Nabil El Araby explained the efforts of the organisation to support joint Arab action and address the region’s issues.

The meeting also discussed the preparation of the draft agenda of the Arab League summit meeting, which will be held in the Mauritanian capital Nouakchott in July 2016.

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