*** ----> HM King orders disbursement of annual grant | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

HM King orders disbursement of annual grant

Manama: His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa has issued a Royal Order to disburse Ramadan gift to all Royal Charity Organisation (RCO)-sponsored families on the occasion of the near advent of the Holy month of Ramadan for the year.

King Hamad directed the RCO, presided over by the Representative of HM the King for Charity Works and Youth Affairs and Chairman of the Royal Charity Organisation (RCO)’s Board of Trustees HH Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, to assume the task of disbursement of gift to the families.

Shaikh Nasser appreciated His Majesty’s patronage and compassionate paternal care for RCO-sponsored families.

RCO Secretary-General Dr. Mustafa Alsayed said the Royal Grant comes from HM King’s constant keenness to direct all forms of support to the citizens to ensure them a stable and dignified livelihood.

The grant totalling BD10,000 will benefit all RCO-registered orphans and widows. 

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