Court jails ex-MP for online slur
Manama: The High Criminal Court handed down one-year sentence against an ex-MP accused of defaming the Ministry of Interior online.
Khalid Abdulaal reportedly broadcast tweets on his Twitter account, featuring contents deemed critical of the Ministry. In one of the tweets, according to court files, he alleged that the Ministry has become ‘a den for torture’.
Abdulaal’s tweets included phrases that reflect he was attempting to stir up sectarian hatred, according to the state’s complaint.
His account was being followed by 5,500 users at the time he was tweeting. The defendant admitted to the Public Prosecution of the account ownership, but refuted accusations that he was aiming to defame the Ministry of Interior.
He also entered an innocent plea during his trial. It’s worth noting that this is the second sentence to be issued against the ex-MP for the same charge.
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