*** ----> Unlicensed slimming pills trim health besides body | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Unlicensed slimming pills trim health besides body

Manama: Everyone loves shortcuts. Not many put in efforts to achieve something; instead they prefer find the easiest, and perhaps the unhealthy way to do it. Slimming pills, which recently arrived in the market, have witnessed a surge in popularity in a short period. 

With obesity remaining a major concern in the nation, this comes as no wonder. However, there are many side-effects to these pills, including increased heart rate, high blood pressure, agitation, diarrhoea and in some cases, even death.

The National Health Regulatory Authority (NHRA) advices the public not to buy slimming products manufactured by unknown sources without license from NHRA. Some of these products contain Amphetamine, which is banned due to its side-effects on the heart, kidney and liver.  The NHRA has also given out a list of the pills available in the market these days that are banned. 

The pills are categorised into three groups: Licensed drugs, unlicensed drugs and natural slimming products that are sold over the counter. There are only a handful of licensed drugs available. All the others are the self-administered ones available without a prescription, which makes them dangerous. 

The chances of allergic reactions are also high as no background check is done before taking them. The use of these pills can lead to addiction and may even cause hallucinations. 

Sherhan A Chowdhury, a Registered Nutritionist Dietitian, told DT News, “As a health professional, I always advice a healthy diet and regular exercise as the best way to reduce weight. Slimming pills do help lose weight, but it can cause diarrhoea as a side-effect. They may also cause thyroid.” 

“It is not worth losing your weight if you only gain more problems in the end. As an alternative, I ask patients to learn how to count calories and to refer a Registered Nutritionist Dietitian,” she added.

She said the best way to lose weight is to set a goal and achieve it step by step. It is best to take opinion of a consultant before buying pills to avoid the harmful ones, she added. 


List of pills that are banned by NHRA