*** ----> Democracy and freedom part of Bahraini heritage | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Democracy and freedom part of Bahraini heritage

Manama: Prime Minister HRH Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa has asserted that development and progress have always been Bahrain’s focus since its establishment.

“The progress boom currently witnessed by the Kingdom requires doubling efforts to ensure its sustainability amid the existing multiple challenges, and to achieve top national goals. A secure and stable atmosphere within a troubled surrounding is also vital,” Prince Khalifa said.

The Prime Minister made the remarks while receiving, at Gudaibiya Palace yesterday, Parliament Chairman Ahmed Al Mulla, Shura Council Chairman Ali bin Saleh Al Saleh and MPs, in the presence of former Speaker Khalifa Al Dhahrani.

“Democracy, freedom and human rights protection, which are the fundamentals of civilised societies, are deep-rooted natural aspects of the Bahraini society and part of its long history and heritage,” HRH Premier added.

Prince Khalifa asserted that while the government supports and consolidates openness, it is keen to ensure security. “Terrorism belongs to no religion and is unpredictable and trans-boundary.”

“We are all ears to every voice seeking nation-building and development, but we will pay no heed to those with hidden intentions to sow divide,” he said, stressing that the Bahraini society is highly aware and is capable of distinguishing between the good and the evil.

HRH Premier also reviewed aspects of Executive-Legisl-ature cooperation, voicing pride in the strategic partnership binding the two branches. He underlined the government’s support to any initiatives aimed at enriching such fruitful

On Bahrain’s international relations, the Prime Minister affirmed that the Kingdom is keen on establishing strong ties with all countries within a framework of mutual respect, common interests and non-interference in domestic affairs.