*** ----> Bahrain refutes allegations of UN High Commissioner | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain refutes allegations of UN High Commissioner

Manama: The allegations contained in the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights’ statement that Bahrain is exercising repression are false and unfounded, said Assistant Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Faisal bin Jabr Al Dossari yesterday.

He was responding to the allegations on the stripping of at least 250 people of Bahraini citizenship because of their betrayal of the Kingdom’s interests.

He said that terrorist acts, which harm the safety of the community, were extremely dangerous, and require appropriate punishment according to the law, including stripping of Bahraini citizenship. “These include violent extremism, possession and smuggling of weapons and explosives, communicating with foreign countries to threaten the stability of the country, and participating in hostilities and armed conflicts in the region,” he added.

Al Dossari was speaking while heading the delegation of the Kingdom of Bahrain in the 32nd session of the Human Rights Council held in the Palace of Nations in Geneva.

He also stressed that the freedom of expression and the right of peaceful protest is protected by the Constitution and national laws in accordance with international standards.

“The Kingdom has provided a broad space to practise the right to peaceful protest, which is unprecedented in the region,” said Al Dossari, “However, deviation from peaceful goals and drifting into an arena of violence, vandalism and damage of public and private interests require punishment as is applicable in all countries of the civilised world.”

He also expressed the futility of mentioning Kingdom in the opening statement of the High Commissioner, saying, “such repeated and recycled statements in both form and substance, do not serve the reforms exerted in the field of human rights in the country.”

Al Dossari called on all partners, particularly the High Commissioner for Human Rights Office, to exert efforts to understand the reality of human rights and the huge challenges faced by the Kingdom, and investigate the information more accurately that are drawn from neutral, objective, credible and non-politicised sources.

The meeting was aimed to inform the Council of the latest developments in the field of human rights on the national scene, as well as the technical cooperation and capacity building programme between the Bahraini government and the UN Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR) office. Al Dossari welcomed the launch of the ambitious programme between Bahrain and the Office of the High Commissioner. 

He concluded his statement by confirming the full commitment of Bahrain to all international charters and laws of human rights, the preservation of human rights and support to everything that would respect these rights in order to ensure security and prosperity
for all.

Al Dossari also confirmed work on the development of human rights through the achievements, activities and events at national and international levels. “It will lead to cooperation and communication with international organisations to work on the protection and consolidation of human rights,” he added.