*** ----> Court upholds life term in Bahraini defendants Bomb case | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Court upholds life term in Bahraini defendants Bomb case

Manama: Four Bahraini defendants convicted of manufacturing an explosive and planting it near a police checkpoint have had their life sentences confirmed by the Supreme Appeals Court yesterday. 

A fifth man is also implicated in this case, and he was also sentenced earlier to life in prison. 

The bomb failed to explode, and was later found by police officers, who confiscated it. The five Bahraini men were put on trial after detectives’ investigations revealed their involvement in the crime. 

According to court files, the improvised bomb was constructed in a fire extinguisher that was adjusted and connected to a mobile phone. 

They planted it on June 4, 2014 on Janabiya Highway. The defendants tried to contact the phone connected to the bomb to explode it, but it didn’t go off. 

A SIM card was unearthed from the scene, and it was found that the fourth defendant made the last call from it. 

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